Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Balmy February (Feb. 10, 2007)

It's a balmy 15 degrees C, super sunny and blue skies. Once again meeting at the faithful woodlot always ready for riders. This time Amanda is not riding but she came along to drop me off. I was meting up with Brian and my dad. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so no pictures this time :(

The three of us geared up and headed up the hill in the perfect weather. We weren't sure what to ride so we just kept going up. No more snow below the power lines and the ditches and creeks were flowing with run-off. We decided since there was no snow at the powerlines that we should attempt Goldmine. The access road was cleared of fallen trees and there was no snow so the trip up was looking good. We got about halfway from the p-lines to the trailhead when we hit about two and a half feet of snow! The snow was deep but it was melting fast and we had to watch out for stepping thru the snow and into water underneath. It was weird, being in in that much snow, the air was obviously cold at that elevation but every now and then there would be this blast of warm air like a mini chinook.

Eventually the three "wise" men made it to the Goldmine trail head. We suited up and began yet another snow ride. Upper Goldmine was in decent condition, the snow really didn't affect our speed. Brian, who was complaining about not being out riding in a while and needed to ease back into it was flying when it came to downhill, dad and I on the other hand were suffering from the lack of lunch fatigue. Fatigue and all, Goldmine was yet another classic downhill rip and still kept me smiling on the way down.

We arrived at the trail head to Snakes and Ladders and one by one we dove into the trail and began rippin it up. Everything was smooth and traction was great, even down the big rock face there was no hint of loss of traction. Then we come to the ol' steep ladder bridge. Just past the end of the ladder bridge is a small tree, maybe 4 or 5" in diameter. This tree has been struck by many upon many of riders who could not make the high speed off camber turn. I for one have been victim of this tree way back in the beginning. It has been years and I mean like 7 years since I have hit this tree! And wouldn't you know it on a day when fatigue was taking over I thought I could still ride like any other day. Wham! Over the bars I go, sliding down the hill. I regained my composure, got on my bike and kept going. I don't even remember how we rode out Shotgun. I was tired, the ride was good, the sky was sunny. The end.

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