Sunday, January 07, 2007

It's been a while (Dec. 28, 2006)

It's been a while but two team awsome members have returned for ride. Finally my wife, Amanda, has made it out again for a ride, last time was before thanksgiving and I didnt have my camera with me. And Brian has returned from injury, which occurred in Whistler in the summer. Myself, my dad, Amanda and Brian decided, since two of us have been off the bike for awhile, to go for an easy ride to get back into the feel of things again. We met at the Woodlot and decided to ride Toadstool (both upper and lower) followed by Shotgun right back to the parking lot.

The mountain was cold, freezing cold actually, and there was frost everywhere. Manda's shifter wasnt working and she was stuck in 6th gear and no granny ring but she stood up and powered her way up the hill to the Shotgun trail head inspite of the gearing. Tough girl. About halfway up the mountain who should catch up and pass us? Andrew, my friend from highschool who we had ridden with the other day. Andrew and his brother apparently couldnt get enough fill of the Woodlot and had to get some more riding in while he was out here from the shore for the holidays.

We got to the trailhead of Toadstool and started to suit up for the descent. Since it was freezing out we actually didnt sweat and our jerseys were still dry which is always nice. The weather was beautiful and sunny and the trails were in good shape, not too muddy or frozen and dry. We stopped for some pictures on the way down.

At the Toadstool trailhead ready to descend. L-R: Brian, Amanda, my dad.

Amanda descending the last section of upper Toadstool on her Kona Stinky Dee-lux.

My pops given me the "put away the camera and lets ride!" look on the connector trail.

My dad flyin' across the bridge over the creek on lower Toadstool on his Norco team DH

Amanda crossing the bridge in hot pursuit.

My little biker girl approves of the ride so far.

Brian touching down after a drop on lower Toadstool on his 2006 team DH

After exiting Toadstool we cruised down the access road towards Shotgun and decided to hit an old dirtbike jump on our way down.

Me gettin a little airtime between trails.

Keeping with tradition we switched to race mode for Shotgun. I took the lead, followed by Brian, dad, and Amanda. I stopped at the halway point in the clearcut to get some pictures. The sun was out and was thawing out the frozen stumps which were now steaming in the sunshine. A very cool sight.

Amanda approaching the clear cut, you can see the stumps thawing in the sun.

Amanda coasting through the clearcut, stumps a steaming everywhere.

Amanda on Shotgun riding a very frosty bridge in the shade of the trees.

And to end off this biking blog I close with a picture of Amanda biking off towards the warm sunshine awaiting at the parking lot at the bottom of Shotgun. Great weather, great friends and family, great ride.

Amanda crossing the final bridge of the mountain and heading for some sun to warm up after a frosty ride at the Woodlot.

1 comment:

amelia said...

Awesome blog Jason. And great photos. I think it's super sweet that you and Amanda can share this sport together...that doesn't happen that often. That pic of the mist off the trees very cool. Have fun!