For Part II of the Tour I decided to hit up the Woodlot again since there are so many great trails we could easily make another great ride of all new trails. The group was smaller this time, consisting of just myself and Jordan K, and we met at the Woodlot parking lot once more.
It had been raining pretty much all week and my 10 year old IRC Kujo front tire with duct tape holding the sidewall together just wasnt giving me much confidence so I opted for a 2.5" Kenda Nevegal. The sticky rubber of this tire should give me some extra traction on the wet roots.
After suiting up in the parking lot we decided to head up to the power lines. The weather today was perfect, sun and cloud and in the low teens kept us from getting too hot. At the p-lines I decided to add our choice of trails for the day to the "wheel of trails" mounted to the stump. We started off the ride on Crazy Carpenter once more. The builders had done some very nice work to the logride on upper Carpenter and the traction wasnt even an issue on the wet logs. The new tire had definitely helped with added traction.
(Me versus the ugly climb up the power lines.)
(The wheel of trails!)
(I'm suited up and ready for downhill.)
(Jordan and his Norco ready to go.)
(I'm testing out the traction on the wet logs on upper Crazy Carpenter.)
(The traction was fine, better keep coasting though.)
(Jordan on some of the well built bridges on Crazy Carpenter.)
(Jordan cruisin the log/ bridge sections on Blood Donor.)
Jordan and I spent some time trying to conquer the long log section on the upper part of the trail. I managed to clean the whole thing first shot then kept falling off when I tried it again. Jordan gave the log ride a shot and got a ways down before slipping off, just another thing to conquer in the future. I have not ridden this trail in a while and there were some major changes: new slats on the teeter totter platform and the lower logride section was taken out completely! The lower logride section was one of the obstacles that this trail was known for. All for the best I guess since it was rotting away and previous wind fall had landed on it. Not wanting to risk re-injuring an already injured thumb and wrist I decided to play it safe and bypass the final drop and gap jump since I have a Judo tournament next weekend.We popped out of the trail into the warm sun on the road above the clear cut and dropped back into Hoots. I introduced Jordan to a nice big rockface to try out. The rock always has great traction even in the wet weather. We hit a couple jumps on our way down and cut back up the road again to finish off the ride on Shotgun. Shotgun was in great condition and we rode it fast.
(Jordan at the top of the rockface on Hoots.)
(Jordan carfully picking his line down the rockface as opposed to picking his face on the rockline.)
Other than losing my balance slightly off a drop on Carpenter and skidding into a tree, the Kenda Nevegal performed flawlessly on this typical wet fall trail conditions. It was only 3 o'clock and it was warm and sunny out, I wish I had time to go hit up another mountain but the old stomach was empty, so until another weekend for part III or the Tour de Fraser Valley.